Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My ventures Into the Wild

Yes, i finally saw it. I actually had a weird feeling before it, had to find the most appropriate, suitable time to watch it. My god, it was good...
I cried like hell at the end, but i expected that too. Emile Hirsch really played the role of Christopher McCandless to perfection, with the angst and bewilderment that accompanied his reactions to the beauty of the wild. Yea, i've also been bugging everyone to watch it, to a point that i've pissed some of them off!
It was an amazing movie, and Sean Penn did a good job of bringing Chris's story to life.


Vishant said...

WAT A RETARD!!!1 JUMPING JACK FLASH? hahahahah nes to see you have the blogger's disease. Put pics of kutti mon up

Jumpin Jack Flash!!! said...

watever, scout.... yea, i finally succumbed to it...

Jumpin Jack Flash!!! said...
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